새랑 나랑

Black-crowned Pitta ( 팔색조 ) 본문

Birds of Sandakan

Black-crowned Pitta ( 팔색조 )

아담사 2024. 6. 24. 19:03

I was aiming for 2 pita species during this birdwatching on the island of Borneo and it's one of them.


It is endemic to the Southeast Asian island of Borneo.

The black-crowned pitta , also known as the black-headed pitta, black-and-crimson pitta, black-and-scarlet pitta or black-crowned garnet pitta, is a brightly coloured, ground-dwelling, bird species in the pitta family.



The pitta has only been recorded from the Malaysian state of Sabah in northern Borneo, where it occupies lowland tropical rainforests from sea level up to about 300 m, above which it is replaced by the blue-banded pitta.

It prefers dark and damp places, especially ravines beneath dense cover.












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