새랑 나랑

Rufous Woodpecker 본문

Birds of Sandakan

Rufous Woodpecker

아담사 2024. 6. 30. 07:30

It was a pair of male and female, and three of them were feeding together.


The rufous woodpecker is a medium-sized brown woodpecker native to South and Southeast Asia.

Rufous woodpeckers forage in pairs on ant nests on trees, fallen logs, dung heaps, ant, and termite hills.

They have been noted to feed on ants.

The breeding season is in the pre-Monsoon dry period from February to June.


It is short-billed, foraging in pairs on small insects, particularly ants and termites, in scrub, evergreen, and deciduous forests and is noted for building its nest within the carton nests of arboreal ants.











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