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Black-and-Red Brodbill's breeding 본문

Birds of Sandakan

Black-and-Red Brodbill's breeding

아담사 2024. 7. 1. 15:34

They're nesting and breeding two chicks where the roots of a big tree by the pond are drooping down.


The black-and-red broadbill is found in Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.

It mainly inhabits riparian forest edges up to altitudes of 300 m throughout its range, although it can sometimes be found up to altitudes of 900 m.


The black-and-red broadbill lays eggs in clutches of 2–3 (occasionally with a fourth runt egg).


Throughout its range, nesting usually occurs in the driest months of the year: December to August in Borneo, and March to June in Sumatra.


Nests are conspicuous and usually overhang water, especially fast-moving water. They are mostly built over forest pools, rivers, and streams.

It is possible that this may be related to the feeding requirements of the species, as the necessary food to feed mates or young may only be available near water.







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