티스토리 뷰

Birds of Korea

Mute Swan (혹고니)

아담사 2025. 1. 27. 11:34

'm posting pictures that I taken and didn't post when about 50 swans came to Sihwa Lake on February 13, 2021.


Adults of this large swan typically range from 140 to 160 cm long, with a 200 to 240 cm wingspan.


Males are larger than females and have a larger knob on their bill. On average, this is the second largest waterfowl species after the trumpeter swan, although male mute swans can easily match or even exceed a male trumpeter in mass.


The mute swan is one of the heaviest extant flying birds. In several studies from Great Britain,

males were found to average from about 10.6 to 11.87 kg , with a weight range of 9.2–14.3 kg while the slightly smaller females averaged about 8.5 to 9.67 kg, with a weight range of 7.6–10.6 kg.


Mute swans can achieve speeds in flight of up to 88.5 km/h, and during take off achieve speeds of around 48 km/h when running to gain lift.

Mute Swan Range Map

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