새랑 나랑

White-winged Tern (흰죽지제비갈매기) & Tern (제비갈매기) 본문

Birds of Kota Kinabalu

White-winged Tern (흰죽지제비갈매기) & Tern (제비갈매기)

아담사 2024. 2. 22. 17:25

The white-winged tern, or white-winged black tern, is a small species generally found in or near bodies of fresh water across much of the world, including Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia.



Four subspecies of the common tern are generally recognized.

The Common Terns(S. h. tibetana) from further north and east in Asia, such as S. h. longipennis, move through Japan, Thailand and the western pacific as far as southern Australia.


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