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Kota Kinabalu Sunset & Mount Kinabalu 본문


Kota Kinabalu Sunset & Mount Kinabalu

아담사 2023. 12. 31. 12:34

Kota Kinabalu is nicknamed the "Island of the Enchanted Sunset." The sunset seen from the beach here is one of the world's top three sunnets along with Santorini in Greece and Fiji in the South Pacific. As the equator is close, the weather is not volatile and you can see clear skies and scarlet sunset all year round.




Mount Kinabalu is the highest mountain in Borneo and Malaysia. With an elevation of 4,095 metres (13,435 ft), it is third-highest peak of an island on Earth, and 20th most prominent mountain in the world. The mountain is located in Ranau district, West Coast Division of Sabah, Malaysia. It is protected as Kinabalu Park, a World Heritage Site.


The mountain and its surroundings are among the most important biological sites in the world, with between 5,000 and 6,000 species of plants, 326 species of birds, and more than 100 mammalian species identified.



It was a pleasure to be with my neighbor's blogers this year. 

Happy New Year!
