새랑 나랑

가창오리 ( Baikal Teal ) 본문

Birds of Korea

가창오리 ( Baikal Teal )

아담사 2024. 5. 20. 16:15

The Baikal Teal , also called the bimaculate duck or squawk duck, is a dabbling duck that breeds in eastern Russia and winters in East Asia.


This species is classified as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List, though it was classified as Vulnerable before 2011 due to hunting and destruction of its wintering wetland habitats.

These threats remain, but the Baikal teal is recovering, with increased numbers of wintering birds and some increase in habitat area.

Based on the numbers of Baikal teal counted wintering in South Korea, the global population is estimated to be around 1.07 million individual adults around 2010, a major increase from the tens of thousands counted in the 1980s and few hundreds of thousands in the 2000s


his species is classified as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List, though it was classified as Vulnerable before 2011 due to hunting and destruction of its wintering wetland habitats.

These threats remain, but the Baikal teal is recovering, with increased numbers of wintering birds and some increase in habitat area.

Based on the numbers of Baikal teal counted wintering in South Korea, the global population is estimated to be around 1.07 million individual adults around 2010, a major increase from the tens of thousands counted in the 1980s and few hundreds of thousands in the 2000s

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